
Showing posts from December, 2019

Happy Holidays!

Thank you to all my students for making 2019 awesome. I am looking forward to all of the learning in 2020. Thank you for the treats and presents, so appreciated! Enjoy some well needed family time. See you on January 6th.

Gingerbread houses!

We had a blast today and I was so proud of my class and how they followed the rules. Not one person ate a candy! They are taking these home right now - hopefully they make it! We had a great time singing carols in the gym! Ask your child what their favourite song was. In Math, we played place value yahtzee. See you tomorrow for our last day of learning in 2019!!!


We started the morning off with Ignite. Ask your child what room they went to! We created something today that included our writing and drawing skills! You will see them soon. No spelling words this week! Last day of school for kids is Thursday (full day). We will be having our Pillars of Care assembly on Thursday.

Winter Trees

We painted some beautiful winter trees today. Everyone did an awesome job persevering through this multi-step art activity! For our spelling test, they completed 5-6 sentences. I will hand these back on Monday. In Math we worked on rounding. Have a wonderful weekend! We are getting closer and closer to the number 18 for our ginger bread house activity. Please keep the candy and graham crackers coming.

Moral of a Story

We listened to a great story, read by Oprah Winfrey today, "Hula Hoopin' Queen." Ask your child what the story was about. We learned that stories have 'morals.'  We discovered the moral of our classroom novel "Fish In a Tree"  from chapter 22. Ask your child what the moral was and how the story unfolded. In Math, we built numbers using hundreds, rods and cubes. In pairs they studied a certain time of animal and wrote facts in their Science journals. What animal did your child study? What did they learn? We had iPad time today and went on Razkids. Remember to use this program at home too. Please check the school calendar for important dates! Winter break: No school December 20 - January 5 Classes resume January 6, 2020!

Owen and Mzee

This weeks spelling test will be focused on writing perfect sentences. Each group will be given 5 different sentences that they have to correct. I will send back their tests from yesterday, today. Please remember to study these words every week! We learned about a really special friendship today between a hippo and a tortoise. They may story maps and comics out of all of the different stages in the story. Ask your child about Owen and Mzee! In writing, they wrote about what animals they would be - if they could be one. Ask your child what 'Math talks' means to them. These were our questions today: 1. What number is between 36 and 38? (37) 2. What number is between 49 and 51? (50) 3. What number is one more than 96? (97) 4. I am thinking of a number between 40 and 50. This number has a 3 in it. What is the number? (43) 5. I am thinking of a number between 20 and 40. It has a 5 in it. What could be the numbers? (25, 35) You will soon be seeing a notice home about making...

Successful Evening!

Every single family came out last night! That has never happened in my class, and it makes me so proud! Good job, room 13, those drummers were awesome. We have been very busy with our regular daily routines as well as practicing for last night. Today we will be watching division 2 all afternoon perform! They have been practicing their typing skills using games on the computer. In Math they are comparing numbers using less than, greater than and equal to. We have been looking at place value and comparing those numbers underlines. Ask your child to show you. We had 'free write' for almost 45 minutes. They could write about anything they wanted. Everyone was so engaged and had ideas to write about. We have really been enjoying about animals! Ask your child what they have learned so far. The spelling test is going to be pushed to Monday. Please study over the weekend!


Perseverance is our new monthly pillar. We brain stormed what it meant and shared times in our lives when things were hard, but we had to push through them! Some examples were: learning how to read and bike riding. We finished up our art for the concert today. Afterwards we made our own word searches. They loved this activity and wanted to bring them home to show you all. We can't wait to perform for parents on Wednesday. Please have your child come up to my class at 6. Concert starts at 630. Instruments due Wednesday - bring them tomorrow if you would like too. Spelling words: Red: tree, free, see, bee, Santa Green: December, mammals, traditions, research, concert Blue: decorations, studying, celebrating, researching, traditions