I am back!
To start off our morning, room 13 wrote about what happened while I was gone. Each person wrote almost a page, sharing stories and what they learned about during the week. Some students were only able to write a couple of sentences. Ask your child what they wrote. Last week they started making robots for math. They had to create a robot out of graph paper showing their area and perimeter or their head, body, arms and legs. Some students needed extra support understanding area and perimeter. This is something that could be practiced at home too. In the morning they also participated in an esti-mystery math. https://stevewyborney.com/2019/09/51-esti-mysteries/ This is the website to learn more about mystery numbers. The students seem to really enjoy these. In Science they have been learning about natural resources that are renewable and non-renewable. Ask your child to give you some examples of both. In mindfulness today we learned about what 'zendoodle'...