
Showing posts from March, 2020

Keep Reading

Good Afternoon, Grade 3 Families,  The Grade 3 team at Beddington Heights School is working towards developing a plan to continue learning for our students in the areas of literacy and mathematics, as directed by the government of Alberta. As we work to develop our plan, you can continue working with your child through the platforms sent previously.  These are: Raz Kids  Mathletics  Tumblebooks  Writing - Grade 3s have been working on adding detail to writing about an event, by including information about who was there, what they did, where it happened, when it happened, why it happened, and how it made the people involved feel.  Have your child continue to write about their experiences, or the experiences of characters in their books, movies, or TV shows. Math - Continue working on basic facts.  In Grade 3, this is addition to 9+9 and related subtraction facts, and multiplication to 5x5 and related division facts. Studen...

Calm Friday

We enjoyed doing a guided drawing for St. Patrick's Day. These were sent home today. In Math, they represented groups of numbers with cubes. We then sat in a circle and expressed the division equation that represented the equal groups. Your child is bringing home an animal poem today! Have fun guessing the animal. We did not do our spelling test today, due to low numbers. We will complete on Monday. Have a great weekend, everyone.

Math Check

Good Afternoon! We completed a Math quiz this morning. Please go over this with your child, sign and bring back. We will be completing our spelling quiz tomorrow! Remember to study those words! In writing today we made webs of our responsibilities and home and at school (10 each). Our next pillar is responsibility. See you tomorrow!

A few Of Our Favourite Things!

Special request from room 13 for pictures of our work on the blog!  Today we built goalie nets and a goal tender that actually moves. Your child should be bringing one home! We also continued working on our division skills. We read a book called "The Door Bell Rang." We then folded a piece of paper into 24 parts for 24 questions! See below.


Room 13 is really getting the concept of division. We put our skills to the test with a new math game called "fair is fair." They used cubes to make or not make equal groups of the card that they pulled. In Science today we looked at different structures in the world. Each student was given a photograph of one structure. They wrote about" what it looks like, what it might be made out of, how many people it took to build it and how much time it took. They also wrote about the shape, height and size. Afterwards, they tried building this structure with lego! We ended our Science lesson off with the book "Boxitects." Please start bringing in any building material that you and your child think could be useful (recyclables, tape, glue..etc.) Fun lunch orders must be in by March 14. Hawaiian shirt day March 18 Fun Lunch March 19 No School March 20-29.  Classes resume March 30.


This afternoon we have the privilege of watching the 'Calgary Opera' perform. Ask your child what the story was about and if they enjoyed this new experience. Today we got right into division! The class did excellent as they learned about 4 different strategies: equal groups, arrays, repeated subtraction, related facts. Ask your child to show you 12 divided by 2 with using one or more of these strategies. We also started a new Science unit today! Building things! We talked about "land marks" and how they relate to a person's city or country. We watched a video on 'the top 100 landmarks in the world.' We are almost done our class novel and will be comparing and watching the movie this week! Spelling words: Red: read, new, old, March, tell Green: forward, division, meaning, building, clock Blue: division, description, strategies, construction, calculation

Club Week!

We talked about how we are closer to grade 4 than we are the beginning of grade 3 today! We talked about all of the changes that we have gone through and experiences we have shared. They wrote in their journals the new friends they have made, what they love learning about and their home lives too. Some shared these with the class. We made our March calendar together with pictures of animals and a fact for everyday on the back! Ask your child about 'club week' and what they participated in. Spelling words this week: Red: deep, need, set, jet, ball Green: active, breath, jumping, activity, energy Blue: exercising, activities, doubles, multiplication, practicing