
Room 13 is really getting the concept of division. We put our skills to the test with a new math game called "fair is fair." They used cubes to make or not make equal groups of the card that they pulled.

In Science today we looked at different structures in the world. Each student was given a photograph of one structure. They wrote about" what it looks like, what it might be made out of, how many people it took to build it and how much time it took. They also wrote about the shape, height and size. Afterwards, they tried building this structure with lego! We ended our Science lesson off with the book "Boxitects." Please start bringing in any building material that you and your child think could be useful (recyclables, tape, glue..etc.)

Fun lunch orders must be in by March 14.

Hawaiian shirt day March 18

Fun Lunch March 19

No School March 20-29.  Classes resume March 30.


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