
Showing posts from April, 2020

A Message

Hello Everyone! I hope you are understanding our assignments this week. Remember to reach out to me at any time if you need more support. Remember that these are trying times. I understand if not all assignments will be completed and that everyone is simply doing their best! If you hand in assignments late, that is totally fine and I will always review them and provide feedback.  A message from BHS Administrative Team: Brown Bagging for Calgary Kids is a valued partner of Beddington Heights School.  If your family is in need of support with finding food resources please visit ·         You can go online and request a grocery store gift card. BB4CK is offering $30/kid every 2 weeks. This can be used to purchase groceries to help provide food for your child in the next couple of weeks.  You can learn more and/or sign up to receive updates on the BB4CK website. Ple...

Sunny Week

Hello Grade 3's! I hope you are off to a great week. We have introduced a new APP this week to our assignments for literacy. I hope you enjoy creating your own book. Thank you for those who came to our Google Meet yesterday. I also thank those people who have asked for extra support. Please remember we are always here if you need us! Some students asked about a timer for the basic facts quiz. We are unable to do that on that platform, but please, use a phone timer if you'd like! Those facts are perfect for instant recall and very important. I hope everyone is staying healthy!

Earth Day and World Book Day

Hello! I am sorry you couldn't be at school this week as I know I love talking and doing work around Earth Day and World Book Day! Thank you for everyone that have submitted their assignments. Remember to do what you can and if that means handing things in late or prioritizing the subjects, please do that! This is a difficult time for all of us. Mrs. Anderson has created a list of great website for reading! Calgary Public Library is the best resource of all!! Not only is Calgary Public Library free but you can borrow ebooks right on to your device.  I have had to learn to like reading on my ipad - it's not my preferred method but it's opened a whole new world to me.  If you don't have a library card you can get one online.  Check them out!  is a site your little learner should be familiar with.  Username is Beddington and the password is books. ...

Spring is Finally Here!

Good Morning, Grade 3's! I think you are all as happy as I am to have this nice weather finally! Being able to get outside and enjoy the sun is often the best thing for our mental health. Thank you for those students who were able to come to our Google Chat yesterday. I love hearing your positive stories about little things that have been happening in your lives. I think we are learning to really appreciate the small things in life right now. All of your assignments are posted to Google Classroom. Like always, email me with any questions. If you want me to meet you online for a further explanation of anything, I am always available for that too. Have a great week!

Message from Mr. Hebert

April Principal’s message                                                                                                April 15 th , 2020 You will see this is a difference from past communication where you would have received my message on school messenger. In order to minimize the amount of e-mail to parents/families at this time, we have made a decision at Beddington to include this in the teacher e-mail you are already receiving. Hopefully this supports families need and will provide enough information to give you w...

Snowy Spring

I am sure you are all waiting for some Spring weather like me! All of your assignments this week are posted on Google Classroom. Thank you to those students who have completed all of their work from last week. We understand that these are difficult times and if that means handing in work late, that is fine! Better late than never. When Spring begins I love  going for walks around my neighbourhood (or with my class) and look for signs of this big season change. It would be fun this week to sketch a tree in your yard or by your house! Then a week from now, sketch the same tree and notice the differences. Do this for 5 weeks and I bet you will be amazed. Remember to read for 30 minutes a day or more. Email me with any questions. :0)

Bunny Art

This is an example of the art work I do every year at this time! If anyone wants to try it at home, go ahead (optional!). Mr. Strum is moving to a new school! Please go into Google Classroom to wish him good luck. -Mrs. Craig

Warm Wednesday

On Monday we hosted our first live Google Meet for all Grade 3 students.  We got a chance to see faces we have missed, and I read a story.  We also got to answer some questions from students. Going forward, we will be having a Google Meet posted on our stream on the first day of the week at 1:30pm.  During this time, we will answer questions, read a story, and may even have discussion questions posted to have answers prepared for.  Next Monday is scheduled to be a PD day, so our meet will be on Tuesday. The assignments for this week are posted and ready to go.  There is a video in the classwork area that shows how to open, work on, and submit your work.  If you can't do it electronically, paper, pencil and an emailed photo works too.  Please email I have given feedback to everything that has been handed in so far. Please let me know if there are any questions.  Later this week Mrs. Pulvermacher will post a quiz just asking ho...

Google Meets!

Good Morning, Everyone! I am excited to see that most people have logged in to our 'Google Classroom.' Thank you to those parents who have emailed me with any questions or concerns.  This week starts the first week with online learning assignments! For our multiplication word problems, we posted a learning video to help remind and guide parents in teaching multiplication.  We hope to see all grade 3's at 1pm today on Google Meets. The link will be posted on the stream in Google Classroom! -Mrs. Craig

Up and Working!

Thank you so much for being patient with the issue of passwords. I have sent each parent/guardian their child's password now. I am hoping they will work! Please email me if there are any issues. Now for the fun part! Please take some time to familiarize yourself with Google Classroom. We are all learning this together! Please do your 'quiz' on the side bar and read what the grade 3 teachers have written about expectations. The assignments that are posted are for next week. Feel free to start them now if you would like! Remember to use RazKids, Tumble Books and Mathletics. You can even have your child make their own worksheet! They seem to love doing that. As we get everyone in Google Classroom I look forward to having our first live meeting! I am here for your child (just in a different way). Email me anytime! Miss you all! -Mrs. Craig

Google Classroom

Hello Room 13! I am so sorry but google classroom has not yet been working for my class at this point. I am trying to fix this problem through our tech services. If this continues to be an issue through to Monday, I will be posting their assignments on my blog. Crossing my fingers their CBE id's will work soon. Take care and if you have any further questions please email me. - Mrs. Craig