Earth Day and World Book Day

Hello! I am sorry you couldn't be at school this week as I know I love talking and doing work around Earth Day and World Book Day!

Thank you for everyone that have submitted their assignments. Remember to do what you can and if that means handing things in late or prioritizing the subjects, please do that! This is a difficult time for all of us.

Mrs. Anderson has created a list of great website for reading!

Calgary Public Library is the best resource of all!!
Not only is Calgary Public Library free but you can borrow ebooks right on to your device.  I have had to learn to like reading on my ipad - it's not my preferred method but it's opened a whole new world to me.  If you don't have a library card you can get one online.  Check them out! is a site your little learner should be familiar with.  Username is Beddington and the password is books.

Enjoy the weather and your next weeks assignments will be uploaded at 8am on Monday! 


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