
Showing posts from November, 2019

Fun Friday!

We had a great day today! We enjoyed celebrating our 'pillars of care' award winners. Thank you to those parents who were able to come out! In Math, we are working on sorting numbers from least to greatest (and reverse) as well as less than and greater than. We had a pop quiz today! We did a guided drawing today. I will keep them a surprise for our winter concert. Please look over your childs spelling test and please get started on your instrument if you haven' already! Winter concert will be on Wednesday! We are looking forward to seeing all of our families! Students meet me in our classroom at 6 and parents head to the gym for the 630 start time.

Quality of Life

Yesterday in Social Studies we did a class guided reading about Peru. We then ended our lesson on 'quality of life.' The learned that quality of life is: the sense of safety, comfort, security, health and happiness in your life. They then made a web chart of all of the things in their lives that affect their quality of life. Many of them wrote things like: water, clean air, healthy food, safety and shelter. Ask your child if they think their quality of life would be the same or different from a child who lives in Peru? In Science we have been continuing to work on our posters about animals and hearing. They are learning about the top 10 animals with amazing hearing. To end off our hearing and sound unit I have given them a fun at home project. Please check their backpack for details. If you are unable to find time to create an instrument made from recycled material, please let me know and I will do it with them at school. In Math we are working hard on understanding roundin...

Busy Monday!

We had a very busy Monday! Ask your child where the went for Ignite this morning. To start off the day they wrote 5-6 sentences on their weekends. They then shared these with a partner during snack time. In Science, we are moving towards our 'animal' unit. They each started a mini poster and completed a fact page of the 'top 10 animals with best hearing.' We learned some fascinating facts, ask your child! We have a couple more things to finish up and do before finishing up 'hearing and sound.' One will be at home and more details will come tomorrow! We have a new music teacher for 6 weeks! Congratulations to Mr. Wiens on his new baby! We had a big chat today about respect in the music room as our new teacher takes on a busy position with the winter concert! We completed 'perfect sentences' today and corrected a terribly written paragraph (by me) together! In Math we worked on rounding. They made a huge number line and wrote down all of the numb...

Reverse Day Tomorrow

Tomorrow is reverse day! Teachers will dress like students and students will dress like teachers! We did our spelling test today and I will review those with you during parent teacher interviews on Thursday and Friday! Please book your interview if you haven't done so already. In Math we worked in pairs on double and triple digit addition questions. We are really enjoying our new novel study "Fish In a Tree." We worked hard today on our work for our 'display of learning' boards and can't wait for you to see them!

Novel Study

We started our new novel study today. The book is called "Fish In A Tree." So far it really makes us think about how we treat other people and what other people might be thinking and feeling. Everyone listened so well and seemed to really comprehend the first few chapters. We started our bulletin board project - I will say no more because you will be seeing them next week! I am away tomorrow, so I have told them that they will be getting their spelling test on Monday! I think a lot of them were relieved to have the extra weekend to study. We did our basic facts quiz today and had buddies. In Social Studies I showed them pictures of my trip to Peru! They seemed to really enjoy seeing them.

'Just Right' Book

We had a busy day back at school. We are doing a project for our bulletin board and need a perfect 'just right' book for everyone. This means: they understand what they read, enjoy it, and can read it independently. Many students have said that their book is at home. Please bring it to school tomorrow so we can begin our first steps! In Math we learned to expand a number to find the solution of an addition problem. For example: 66+22 can be expanded to: 60+20=80+6+2=88 Ask your child to show you this at home. We have learned the algorithm of carrying the one, but some students like this way better. In Science we learned about ECHOLOCATION! Ask your child what animals use this. We also learned about a person who is deaf who uses this. After P.E we completed a 4 piece comic drawing of what it means to be kind (which is our new pillar). Spelling Words: Red: one, two, three, four, five Green: twelve, twenty, thirty, fifteen, seventy Blue: five thousand, six hundred and e...

Remembrance Day

We have been learning about Remembrance Day all week. Tomorrow we will have our ceremony and minute of silence in the gym. Please talk to your child further about respect during these ceremonies. Today we had an unexpected practice fire drill. Many of them did an awesome job, others had to talk to me afterwards about the importance of being silent during these practices. In Math we have been working on word problems and creating our own. We did a class guided reading today about a book on Peru. Many students were brave and read out loud to the entire class. We then wrote a paragraph in our Social Studies book about Peru. I am so proud of my class during buddy time. They are all so kind and patient towards their kinder buddies! Tomorrow we will be having our spelling test. Please study tonight!

Spread Kindness Like Confetti!

We learned a new game in gym today! Thank you to our student teacher (Mrs. P's class) for teaching us! We worked on goal writing today. Ask we what I wrote for COMPREHENSION and WELL-BEING. We need to write a NUMBER SENSE one tomorrow. When we are done all three we will enter these into our Iris accounts. Ask me to write me name in cursive writing! We learned how to do the lower and uppercase 'a' today. "Spread kindness like confetti." We are handing out kindness cards. Ask your child what we do with these. Kindness is our next 5th pillar for the month. To end off our day, we did a 'Number Talks.' They are given a Math problem, solve it independently, and then explain their strategy to the class. Ask your child if they explained theirs to the class. Spelling Words: We are working on rhyming words this week. Red: bat, cat, pin, fin, pot, hot Green: great, plate, throw, low, sale, whale Blue: traded, skated, light, bright, bubble, trouble We o...