Spread Kindness Like Confetti!

We learned a new game in gym today! Thank you to our student teacher (Mrs. P's class) for teaching us!

We worked on goal writing today. Ask we what I wrote for COMPREHENSION and WELL-BEING. We need to write a NUMBER SENSE one tomorrow. When we are done all three we will enter these into our Iris accounts.

Ask me to write me name in cursive writing! We learned how to do the lower and uppercase 'a' today.

"Spread kindness like confetti." We are handing out kindness cards. Ask your child what we do with these. Kindness is our next 5th pillar for the month.

To end off our day, we did a 'Number Talks.' They are given a Math problem, solve it independently, and then explain their strategy to the class. Ask your child if they explained theirs to the class.

Spelling Words: We are working on rhyming words this week.
Red: bat, cat, pin, fin, pot, hot
Green: great, plate, throw, low, sale, whale
Blue: traded, skated, light, bright, bubble, trouble

We only have 5 students in our class that are participating in 'reading give it a shot.' There is still lots of time and everyone should participate!


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