
Showing posts from January, 2020

Cities and Robots

We have been busy using our mathematical thinking to create robots and cities! You will see these during Math night next week! Yesterday we started off the day in pairs. They read examples of students being kind and unkind. They then acted these examples out to their peers and talked about why they were one or the other. In Science they learned about adaptation today. Ask your child what that word means. In groups they researched facts on India and made fact posters together. We talked about what type of group member they would like to be. We will have the spelling test tomorrow. Please study! Scholastic book orders will be due  by next Friday. Please continue to send permission forms in for 'Teacher's Pet.' No school for students on Friday.

Mission Impossible

Good Afternoon! We had our first day of 'Mission Impossible' in PE. This seems to be some students favourite part of physed. Ask your child about it. Please bring back any library books that you may have at home. Remember, every Tuesday is library day! In Math we completed a true and false board of multiplication sentences. We have started a new chapter book "The Tale of Despereaux." In Language Arts they completed a poster of the main character and described 5-6 things about their personality. Spelling words: Red: banana, good, best, eat, water Green: healthy, fruit, apple, better, eating Blue: vegetable, satisfying, completing, hydrating, mindfulness


We had a great time helping our buddies learn their new literacy centers. I am so proud of my grade 3's with their patience and kindness towards their kinder buddy. We continued working on our graphs. We also learned how to use a multiplication tool - a multiplication chart. We used the chart to answer a riddle with multiplication problems. We started an important project today! They are creating their own cities. We gathered information about what is in a city first. Everyone had many great ideas. They then wrote about their city in their journals. We will be doing more work this in Math and Social Studies. At the end of the day they earned free time. Please study for your spelling test tonight. Pillars of Care award celebration tomorrow at 815am!

Sympathetic and Empathetic

In health we have been learning about the differences between sympathetic and empathetic. In partners they created comics showing the 2 differences and then they acted these out to the class. In Math today they made a pattern with graph paper showing any one digit by one digit that equals two digits. You will see these on Math night (see form in your child's backpack tonight). We looked at where India is on a world map in comparison to Canada and Peru. We then studied the top 10 wild animals in Peru and listed these in our Science journal. We also learned about a student that goes to school on a boat (in India). This morning they had a pop quiz on the contractions we learned yesterday. Please go over this with your child as they can be really tricky. Ask me about gymnastics in the gym! Math night - Feb 6th - 6-8pm.

An Outdoor Recess!

This morning we started off with Ignite. Ask your child what center they went to. In PE we have started our gymnastics unit. We are finishing off our posters and will start presenting them to the class in large and small groups. We practiced our multiplication facts today with dice. Spelling words: This week we are working on contractions. Red: she's, he's, I'm, I'll, I'd Green: let's, can't, we're, don't, I've Blue: couldn't, wouldn't, shouldn't, haven't, didn't

Learning About Braille

Thank you to the parents that continue to read my blog! I know your child benefits from your questions and engagement in his or her learning! We created a poster together about 'what makes a perfect sentence.' The important points were: capital at the beginning, makes sense, finger spaces and has end punctuation. The wrote 5 perfect sentences with their spelling words. In buddies today they helped their kinder friends how to make their friends with braille. Ask your child how they did this! We watched an interesting documentary of a boy going to school in India, on a mountain! We then wrote him a letter, asking him many questions and telling him about ourselves! In Math we worked on 4 posters in 4 different groups. They listed different things that come in groups of 2, 3, 4, and 5! They then completed a work sheet that they may have in their backpack to show you their progress of multiplication (if they completed it).


We had a great learning day today! We played a new math game with our new learned skills - making an array with multiplication! For our research project today we used computers to research the life cycle of our animal. In Social Studies we started our new unit, India! Ask me what I have learned so far! Remember to study those spelling words.


The time of year is finally here....finally learning how to multiply! I think room 13 was pleasantly surprised how multiplying really makes sense! I showed them 3 different strategies today and we will continue learning about many other ways to multiply numbers. Today we learned: equal groups, repeated addition and making arrays. Ask your child what worked for them best. After learning these strategies we learned how to multiply by 0, 1 and 2. Indoor recesses and lunch have been hard on everyone! The have been playing in the gym at lunch and having free time in the class at recess. Good thing next week is looking warmer! We started our animal research project today. The each have 1-3 books on their animal. The started their research by completing a 2 page worksheet with questions on their animals. We will be using computers soon to gather more information. Ask your child what animal they are learning about and why they chose it. Before we began our research project we re-learned ...

A Great Friday

Today we: -learned about snow leopards -had our spelling test (please look over) -completed our water colour, life art (they are excited to possibly go to the dollar store and get a frame for these!) -had centers in P.E We had a great day! Stay warm this weekend!


We have been enjoying our 5 minutes of mindfulness after lunch everyday. This helps the grade 3's get into a calm space where they are ready to learn. In Math we learned a new way to add double digit numbers together. The also played roll to 100 and completed number detectives with the number 202.  They have been working on a word goal for the new year. The completed a mini book on the word they wanted to work, why and the next 3 steps to achieve this goal will be. Ask your child what their goal is and help them work at it at home too! We learned about why certain animals hibernate and other don't. Ask your child why. They will be completing research projects about an animal of their choice. Help them come up with an interesting animal and even gather some facts at home!  Yesterday we completed a research booklet on Peru with using the Ipads.  On Friday we have a plan to do 'still life' with fruit. They earned this by filling up their animals with st...

Happy New Year!

And just like that we are back into the swing of things! I hope everyone had a restful break. We started the day off with ignite. We then went straight into literacy and drew 3 boxes with writing descriptions. These pictures are the 'top 3 parts of our holiday.' They then shared one of them during a sharing circle with the whole class. Ask your child what they shared. In Math we worked on a lengthy word problem with multiple parts! They were pretending that they were putting on a new years eve party. In our school we are starting something then. Every class will be completing a mindfulness activity. This will hopefully help get our bodies and minds ready for learning. Red: happy, go, so, two, zero Green: New Years, goal, mindful, twenty, back Blue: Two thousand and twenty, celebration, mindfulness, schedule, activities We learned about grizzly bears and black bears at the end of the day.