
We have been enjoying our 5 minutes of mindfulness after lunch everyday. This helps the grade 3's get into a calm space where they are ready to learn.

In Math we learned a new way to add double digit numbers together. The also played roll to 100 and completed number detectives with the number 202. 

They have been working on a word goal for the new year. The completed a mini book on the word they wanted to work, why and the next 3 steps to achieve this goal will be. Ask your child what their goal is and help them work at it at home too!

We learned about why certain animals hibernate and other don't. Ask your child why. They will be completing research projects about an animal of their choice. Help them come up with an interesting animal and even gather some facts at home! 

Yesterday we completed a research booklet on Peru with using the Ipads. 

On Friday we have a plan to do 'still life' with fruit. They earned this by filling up their animals with stickers from their own fruits. Please bring in one fruit to help do this. 

See you tomorrow! 


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