Rounding Numbers
Today in Math we had a pop quiz! This quiz was on rounding numbers. They practiced rounding to the nearest 10 and 100. They also had to list numbers that had digits less 5 and more than 5 (in the tens place). They also worked on less than, more than and equal to with comparing hundred blocks, rods and cubes.
As a class we created a K.W.L chart (know, want to know, learned) on Remembrance Day. Ask your child what they added to our poster.
Tomorrow we will be having an in-class assembly. If possible, please wear a poppy.
Wednesday is a day off for Remembrance Day.
If your child is away, please remember to access our Google Classroom.
Spelling words:
Red: day, play, say, may, clay
Blue: remember, research, text, fiction, study
Green: Remembrance, mindfulness, hydration, communication, respectfulness
Remember! If your child has a picture they want to share to the class, to just email it to me! Thanks Adrian, we loved seeing a picture of your new puppy.
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