The Rocky Mountain Region

In the morning we worked in pairs and read a Fairy Tale story, each taking turns and listening to one another. After reading the story, they completed a 6 part chart. They drew pictures and wrote sentences about the different elements the story had. They worked very hard through this. Ask your child what story they read. Mrs. Craig read a South African story called "The Three Little Rhinos" and we also listened to "The True Story of The Big Bad Wolf." They are getting ready to recreate a famous tale in their own words. 

In Social Studies they learned about the Rocky Mountain Region of Alberta. 
Ask them: 
Why do people visit this region?
What animals are in this region?
What are some key landforms?

We looked at some majestic photographs of The Rocky Mountain Region. 

In Math today, they worked with a number puzzle to solve clues. Ask them for more details and to maybe give you one to solve! 

Thursday evening and Friday are parent teacher interviews (online). I look forward to chatting with each of you. If you are more comfortable or do not have access to technology, I will be happy to phone you. Please email me at to set a phone call interview up. Otherwise, please follow the guidelines that were emailed to you. 

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