Protagonist and Antagonist

 Ask your child what a protagonist and an antagonist is. Why are characters so important to a great story as we relate to them or feel negative towards them? This morning, each of them created a character. They wrote their names, interests, friends, likes, dislikes and drew a picture of them. 

Yesterday was ground hog day. We looked at the history of this day and how reliable the ground hog is, when it comes to knowing when Spring will be here!

We went on a shape walk within the school and graphed 2D and 3D shapes. The winner got a little prize for finding the most!

In the afternoon they each created a vision board collage. We used many magazines to create these posters. I will send them home soon as they are excited to show you! 

In Science we learned about natural and artificial light. Ask your child about the facts they learned. 

Please have your child show you what they did for Math today. They learned about symmetrical shapes, asymmetrical shapes and lines of symmetry. We used miras to to create these shapes and images. 

Please remember to read everyday for at least 30 minutes. You can do this independently or with a parent or sibling.  


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