Welcome Back!

 We enjoyed writing and sharing our activities that we did, during Spring break. Some people read their journal entry to the class. 

In P.E this month we are playing kick ball outside! We had our first game this morning and everyone seemed to have fun. 

In Math we have continued with elapsed time. They worked on word problems today. Ask your child to share an example. 

In Language Arts we learned about the word 'inferring.' Mrs. Craig read the book "Because" as we inferred what the pictures told us.

In Science we made our best guess with the question, 'how does a bike work?' The used the terms wheels and axels in their diagram. After recess we watched a video on the process and Science behind a bikes movement. 

Spelling words

Red: Spring, bring, sing, ring, King

Blue: poem, flower, growing, harvest, farming

Green: poetry, investigating, seasonal, gardening, sprouting 


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