Busy Monday

 This morning we continued to work on our Spring flowers, using water colour pencil crayons. 

We watched a video on facts about Ukraine. Ask your child where Ukraine is on the world map and a couple of facts about this country. 

In Math we read the story, "Spaghetti and Meatballs For All." We used this book to understand area and perimeter. They had to arrange tables of people using area and perimeter, on graph paper. 

In Language Arts we listened to a different story and completed a chart with characters, problem, setting and solution. 

In Science today we read an article about friction. We answered questions about when friction can be negative and when it can be positive (helpful). 

We had an important class conversation today about masks and sanitizer. Please have this conversation at home too. 

Spelling words this week: 

Red: lunch, brunch, crunch, munch, bunch

Blue: lever, pulley, wedge, wheel, incline

Green: definition, inclined, triangular, elevator, cylinder


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