We Are Back In Action!
Room 13 is happy to be back in the classroom! Thank you to my students for helping me get the classroom back in order. We needed to clear off our desks and tidy up all of the plastic that was around our desks.
We started off the morning with some story sharing from our classmates. We had some interesting things happen to us in the last 2 weeks.
We started our new novel that was finally shipped to us! It is the next book in the series of 'The Fitzgerald Trout' family. They seemed to really enjoy the first chapter.
We are trying something new for our mindfulness time. After lunch (if the weather agrees) we are going to a 'sit spot' outside. During this time we are silent and using our senses to appreciate nature. We will be going back to the same 'sit spot' all year round and noticing the changes in scenery and season. Each day we will practice this for 10 minutes.
Speaking of the outdoors, I will be doing many lessons outside as the weather gets warmer. This allows us to spread out and get out of our desks! Please dress accordingly (also bring sunscreen/hat etc. when needed).
In Math we created robots on graph paper. We used a chart and recorded the area and perimeter of each robot. Have your child share their ideas on this.
See you tomorrow. :)
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