Busy Week!

We started off the day doing a writing assignment in our journals. They answered 2 questions: What does friendship mean to you? What do you look for in a good friend? Most of them could write half a page or more. Ask your child what they wrote about.

We did family portraits today. We learned what a 'horizon line' means in art and how we used it to create a portrait that was realistic and had depth.

After mindfulness today, we sat in a circle and told our peers one thing that we love about ourselves. This was tricky for some people, which means we need to do this more often! We talked about how it is easier to give others compliments but just as important to see the awesomeness in ourselves!

They practiced their basic facts in the afternoon.

Tomorrow we have 'teacher's pet' coming at 9am. Thank you to the parent volunteer who will help support this.

Thursday is math night from 6-8pm. We will be playing math games in room 12 and 13! Please send your child's form and money in tomorrow, if you haven't done so already.

I will be putting in the Scholastic order forms on Wednesday.

Spelling words this week:
Red: day, nice, kind, love, pink
Green: heart, family, cards, friend, trusting
Blue: February, Valentine's Day, friendship, respectful, chocolate


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