
Showing posts from September, 2020

Beautiful Fall

 Mr. Beechey was in our class yesterday and today they had a new teacher to the school, Mrs. Holt. I will be back as soon as I can and am missing all my kid-os! Yesterday they started to talk about 'community' is Social Studies. They listed everything that makes up a community: houses, schools, grocery stores etc. They then began to construct their own community with using paper, glue and markers for labeling. They continued this project today with Mrs. Holt.  In Math, they continued to go over representing numbers in different ways. They each got a math sheet that was at their own level of learning. They worked with expanding numbers and representing their number using place value charts. For students who were done early, they were given basic fact questions to complete in their Math books.  Yesterday, they did some basic fact review of adding and subtracting double digit numbers. Mr. Beechey went over a couple of different strategies, as well as asked students what they...

Meet The Teacher

 I am so sorry that we can not meet in person this year, to talk about your child's goals. I am available through email and phone, so please do not hesitate to use those alternatives (   Our grade team has made a slide show that goes over our curriculum and to what to expect for this year. Please review it on our grade team website at :   Reminder: There is NO SCHOOL TOMORROW for students.  Daily update: Today in Math we completed 'Number Detectives.' We represented a number of our choice in many different ways.  We went on a Fall walk this morning and collected leaves that were interesting to us. We then created 2 sponge art pieces: one for home and one for school. I will send these home on Monday.  Please go over your child's spelling test with them.  Have a great weekend! 

What Can I Write About?

 Often during free writing time, students have a hard time coming up with ideas to write about. As a class, we made a web of ideas that included; animals, feelings, friends, family, video games, memories, stories, celebrations...and many more. They all copied this web into their journals. This will help them look for ideas when they are unsure. They then had 30 minutes of free writing time. Please ask your child what they wrote about.  In Math today we worked on basic facts. Many grade 4 students remember division and multiplication from last year. I have some grade 3 students that also understand these concepts. Grade 3 is when we focus and teach multiplication and division as a unit. Please look over their basic fact quiz with them (in their backpacks).  Please remember that most grade 3 students have not yet learning multiplication and division, so that area is not marked. In the afternoon they worked with place value and base ten blocks to represent numbers.  We ...

Terry Fox

This year marks the 40 th  Anniversary of Terry Fox’s Marathon of Hope and we are excited to share that Beddington Heights will be proudly supporting this cause.    While this year’s event might look a little different, the result remains the same; to raise funds for cancer research. Let’s all use Terry’s message of hope and strength to inspire us during these challenging times.    Each class will take part in the Terry Fox Run on Thursday, October 1st, 2020 during our scheduled Phys. Ed class.     It is our priority to maintain the safety of students and staff while supporting this wonderful cause. To help support safety measures in all schools, the Terry Fox Foundation has created an online fundraising page for our school as well as provide classroom/individual “Terry” activities. Here are some of the ways you can support your child for this year’s Terry Fox event:    1 )Donate online at:

Representing Numbers

 In Math today we folded a piece of paper in half 3 times. We ended up with 8 squares. Within those squares they represented a 2, 3 or 4 digit number 8 different ways. They were able to decide on the number they were going to work with, after showing the teacher. Some of them need to finish their Math work tonight (and if not, please bring it back tomorrow morning to complete).  In the boxes they need to show their number in the following ways:  odd or even words base ten expanded form one less and one more 5 ways to add to your number 5 ways to subtract to your number tally mark or skip count to your number I sent this home for homework because many students needed reminders to stay on task for this.  In Science today, we watched the Bill Nye video "Garbage" while completing 12 questions that we followed along with. Ask  your child what they learned from this video.   At the end of the day we were given a work booklet on Canada. We completed the cover...

Waste in Our World

 In Math we worked on skip counting backwards and forwards. We completed ones that are familiar to as such as; skip counting by 2's, 5's and 10's. We then completed challenging patters such as; 10, 13, 10, 16, 10, 19. Another challenging pattern was, "skip count backwards starting at 99 until you get to a single digit number." At home for an extra challenge, make a pattern that someone else has to finish - try to make it really tricky.  In Science we started a new unit "Waste in Our World." In their Science booklet we created our first title page with words and sentenced such as: recycling, compost, wasting water and food, plastic in the ocean, garbage...ask your child what they added to the class discussion.  I read a story today called "Owen and Mzee." This story is online for those students who are away. What does this story teach us about friendship? Spelling words Red: you, go, us, can, is Blue: much, who, with, take, Autumn Green: would, ...

Ted Harrison

 We studied the art of Ted Harrison today. We noticed that he focused on colour contrast and clear shapes. They then created beautiful sunset pictures using pastels (with warm and cool colours). In Math today they each made their own place value chart in their Math books. They then chose numbers that were just the right amount of challenging for them, and represented the digits in different ways; word form, base ten and expanded form. Expanded form was new for some, so those students worked with me in a small group.  Please go over your child's spelling test.  Have a wonderful weekend. 

Purple People!

I read a story called "Why the World Stopped." They then completed journal entries about how their lives have changed since the pandemic, what they have learned, and what they have found difficult. This is an important conversation that they all felt they could participate in. In Math, they completed an assessment that helps me understand where they are at and what goals to start and continue with. This took time but they are persevered.  We listened to an awesome story  - The World Needs More Purple People. What do purple people do? Ask your child! 1.) Ask questions 2.) Laugh a lot 3.) Use your voice 4) Work hard 5.) Be yourself  In Science they made posters labeled 'What is Science.' We then shared our posters with the class, adding on to our ideas. Some ideas were: labs, explosions, exploring, asking big questions, doctors, Scientists, weather...ask your child what they added.  Enjoy the warm weather! 


 This month we are unable to go to the library. Instead, we are getting a large bin of new books in our classroom. Ask your child what book they chose this time.  I read a book about Terry Fox to them. They all seemed to really enjoy it. Afterwards we went for a walk around the school and thought about how courageous Terry was.  In Math, we practiced our basic facts. Grade 4's relearned how to multiply and divide while grade 3's practiced double digit addition and subtraction.  Please have a look at their world map they made today. They all worked very hard on this puzzle.  We practiced our spelling words by writing 'perfect' sentences with them. Please remember to study. We will have our first quiz on Friday. 


 This morning we finished off our 'Pillars of Care' writing. We then created a poster together of what 'wellness' means to us. We added many different things, a few examples are: laughing, talking, eating healthy, talking about our feelings, being kind to ourselves, trying our best.  I read the book "Carson's Trip Across Canada." They then pretended to pack their bags for their own road trip around Canada. Ask your child what they decided to bring to stay healthy, warm and safe! Each student came up with a word or a sentence describing what 'Canada' means to them. Some examples are: freedom, love, acceptance, diversity. At the end of the day we learned about Canada's national animal and did a guided drawing of it. Please ask your child to show you.  In Math we worked on printing numbers in word form. We made a list together of numbers and then turned them into word form.  It was a busy day and I saw many yawns at the end of it!  Have a relaxing...

Happy Monday!

 This is the start of our first full week. Today we learned about spelling this year. In their bags they have written letters to their parents about this, please go over the letter with your child and ask them what their spelling words are. Some ways to study for their spelling test each week could be: going over the words as you're in the car, make recipe cards with them, cut up the words by letters and have them make the words. Almost every Monday they will get new words and then have a quiz on Friday.  Red: me, she, to, at he Blue: bring, wash, cut, see, down Green: together, Canadian, myself, wellness, belonging Please have a chat with your child today about the importance of keeping our masks on and sanitizing our hands. We need all the reminders we can get, as we all get used to the new ways of staying safe and healthy at school.  In Math we are learning about representing numbers in different ways. Today we went over odd and even numbers. We completed questions aft...

Happy Friday!

 We had a great Friday today. We created Math puzzles together and solved them as a class. They seemed very engaged for this - ask them to show you!  They had a spelling test today. It was quite tricky for many and that's ok! This was just for me to see where we are at and I will be putting them into groups to differentiate spelling and reading levels.  We finished up our side self portraits today. They turned out so beautiful and I will be putting them up in our class.  We listened to a story read by Oprah Winfrey today! The story is called "Hulla Hooping Queen." I also read them an 'Amelia Bedelia' story and they thought it was hilarious.  They finished their 'writing about me' in their journals. They added things about their families, favourite things and some fun facts about themselves.  To end the day they handed in 3 questions they have for Mrs. Craig! 'I mustache you a question!' I hope you have a wonderful weekend! 

The Dot

 This morning they started off with 20 minutes of quiet reading. We are getting used to the routine of 3 books every couple of days.  I read the story "The Dot" to them. We also found a fun online story read and listened to 2 other people tell the story in a different way. We then completed a writing map of how we felt today and what colour that feeling would represent. We talked about drawing and writing and how we need to try even when they turn don't out the way we hope. Practice builds those skills! What is Math? They created title pages for their math books. We listed many different things: baking, cooking, chemistry, patterns...the list goes on! Ask your child what they added.  The Pillars of Care this month is "Wellness." Talk to your child about what that means to you.  They had their first physed class today with Mr. Sadowsky!  Have a great evening. 

Super Class

 We started off our morning with a class word search. We had to search for our names within the word search, it was really tricky!  We then created a poster together, while having a group conversation, about how to become a 'Super Class.' Some of the things the students came up with were: following directions, be kind and respectful, thinking before we act, be safe - social distance, wash hands, sanitize and wear your mask, eat healthy and exercise and putting in your best effort.  We had our first music class today. Ask your child about it! They created summer comic writing pieces. They had to decide on 4 of their best summer memories and do some writing and drawing on each of them.  In Math we worked with a 100 chart to colour in different numbers that are important to us.  We are working on being calm and quiet during silent reading time. 


 This morning we introduced ourselves and told the class our favourite colours. I am really pleased to see confidence in each child as they use clear voices to speak to the whole group. This morning they were given time to finish up their self portraits. I read them a story called "Moose Goes to School." We found it funny and interesting - it was published in 1970!  We did our first Science experiment already! "If I follow a bubble solution recipe and create a bubble wand then I can blow bubbles." We mixed 12 cups of water, 1 cup of dish soap and 1 cup of corn starch together. They were then given 3 pipe cleaners and a popsicle stick. We had so many different shapes as they decided on their own what would work best.  In PE we played shadow tag. At the end of the day I read a story outside, as we enjoyed the sunshine on our faces.  See you back on Tuesday! 

First Days of School

 We had a great first couple of days back! The staggered days worked really well for the kids and myself. We were able to take our time and ask questions as we all understand how school will look right now. I am so proud of all of the students and how well the have been with their masks and social distancing. Great job to the parents for obviously having some meaningful discussions of these changes.  Some activities that you can ask them about are: self portraits, first day jitters, 3 truths and 1 fib, racing Mrs. Craig!, and hopefully making a new friend or 2.  Tomorrow all of our friends will be coming! Our school will be 8-11:55am.  A little bit about me! I have been teaching grade 1-4 for almost 10 years. I have a little girl in grade 1 (Kaija) and a 3 year old boy (Luca). I enjoy camping, riding my bike, netflix and sipping hot beverages!  Thank you. 


Greetings Students and Parents. Welcome back to the 2020-2021 school year. My name is Lisa Craig, and I am pleased to inform you that your child will be in my class this year. Please note that due to Covid modifications this placement may be temporary as classes may need to be adjusted again once classes resume. There have been several measures taken at school to ensure the safety of students. One measure has been to create multi-aged classrooms throughout the school in order to better distribute students, creating smaller cohorts. This means that your child will be in a combined Grade 3/4 class this year. Our class will be meeting in the field along Bermuda Way, in the area closest to the compound (NE corner). Our class will enter the school at 8:00am, and will be dismissed at 2:30 in the afternoon, in order to limit the number of students using doors and stairways at the same time. When you arrive to drop your child off, or pick them up, we ask that you remain outside of the schoolya...