The Dot

 This morning they started off with 20 minutes of quiet reading. We are getting used to the routine of 3 books every couple of days. 

I read the story "The Dot" to them. We also found a fun online story read and listened to 2 other people tell the story in a different way. We then completed a writing map of how we felt today and what colour that feeling would represent. We talked about drawing and writing and how we need to try even when they turn don't out the way we hope. Practice builds those skills!

What is Math? They created title pages for their math books. We listed many different things: baking, cooking, chemistry, patterns...the list goes on! Ask your child what they added. 

The Pillars of Care this month is "Wellness." Talk to your child about what that means to you. 

They had their first physed class today with Mr. Sadowsky! 

Have a great evening. 


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