Greetings Students and Parents. Welcome back to the 2020-2021 school year.
My name is Lisa Craig, and I am pleased to inform you that your child will be in my class this year. Please note that due to Covid modifications this placement may be temporary as classes may need to be adjusted again once classes resume.
There have been several measures taken at school to ensure the safety of students. One measure has been to create multi-aged classrooms throughout the school in order to better distribute students, creating smaller cohorts. This means that your child will be in a combined Grade 3/4 class this year.
Our class will be meeting in the field along Bermuda Way, in the area closest to the compound (NE corner). Our class will enter the school at 8:00am, and will be dismissed at 2:30 in the afternoon, in order to limit the number of students using doors and stairways at the same time. When you arrive to drop your child off, or pick them up, we ask that you remain outside of the schoolyard, sending your child to find their class in their designated location. Please ensure that your child knows the location you will be picking them up from after school. This should be in the same area as you drop them off in the morning, as teacher will dismiss classes from their meeting place daily. If your child requires special assistance getting to their meeting space or entering the school, please contact the main office to make arrangements.
Unlike previous years, students will not be permitted to use the playground equipment before or after school this year, and supervision will not be provided. We ask that you please remind students of the expectation to proceed directly to their meeting place in the morning.
Each class will have a morning and an afternoon recess break this year. These will be staggered breaks during which students will only interact with their own cohort class. Our lunch times will also be staggered, with our class eating lunch in our classroom from 1140-12:10.
We will be staggering entry days for the first day of school. Tuesday September 1, 2020 will be an orientation day for students who are new to the school, by appointment only. On Wednesday September 2, we will welcome students with surnames beginning A-K. On Thursday September 3, we will be welcoming students with surnames L-Z. Friday September 4 will be the first day that all students will attend school.
This will be a year unlike any other before in your child’s education, but together we will work to ensure the safety and success of all students. I look forward to making contact with you all in the coming weeks, and getting to know your child.
-Mrs. Craig (lmparsons@cbe.ab.ca)
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