Happy Monday!

 This is the start of our first full week. Today we learned about spelling this year. In their bags they have written letters to their parents about this, please go over the letter with your child and ask them what their spelling words are. Some ways to study for their spelling test each week could be: going over the words as you're in the car, make recipe cards with them, cut up the words by letters and have them make the words. Almost every Monday they will get new words and then have a quiz on Friday. 

Red: me, she, to, at he

Blue: bring, wash, cut, see, down

Green: together, Canadian, myself, wellness, belonging

Please have a chat with your child today about the importance of keeping our masks on and sanitizing our hands. We need all the reminders we can get, as we all get used to the new ways of staying safe and healthy at school. 

In Math we are learning about representing numbers in different ways. Today we went over odd and even numbers. We completed questions afterwards. When we were done we practiced our basic facts using dice with large numbers on them. 

In the afternoon we talked about the 'Pillars of Care." We wrote about each one and listed 5-10 ways we show each pillar. Ask your child what the 5th pillar is this month (wellness). 

At the end of the day we did an open ended activity. I gave them a piece of paper and they could make it into anything they'd like. Ask them to show you what they made. 

It was chilly today. We are still going to be going outside for recess and gym on these colder days. Please remember to dress for the weather. 

Have a great evening!


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