Fraction Codes

We have been continuing our learning with fractions. Yesterday they were given a 10x10 graph paper sheet. They created a picture through 8 different colours. They then wrote the fraction of each colour on the grid paper. For example, 5/100 - green. Afterwards they wrote the percentage beside the fraction. Grade 4 has started to learn about decimal points and added that as well. We had a class conversation about where we see percentages in our world? They had many great examples. Ask them what they contributed. Today they created codes with different fractions. They seemed to really enjoy this. Maybe they can show you an example at home!

Yesterday and today we read Science articles about vertebrae and invertebrate animals. Afterwards they answered questions on the back.  

In Language Arts we are talking about character traits. We made a classroom poster together about outer and inside traits of characters. We went around the classroom and each person had to say something about their inside and outside traits. Ask your child what they said.

Reminder: Friday is a PD day. 


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