Light and Shadows

 This morning we started off our morning by taking the tape off of our winter art pieces. We then glued our poems and paintings on a piece of paper. They look fantastic! 

We then moved onto Science and completed our "Light and Shadows' posters. We had one group represent their posters to the class afterwards. They sure had a lot of information to share! Ask your child what they have learned so far. Why are the size of shadows different sizes depending on the time of day?

We completed our spelling tests today. I will hand them back tomorrow and give them their new words. 

In Math we continued with fractions. Please have them show you the bingo game we played, as well as the worksheet of 'Among Us' fraction characters. We starting to learn about mixed fractions. 

In health and mindfulness we talked about anger. Some questions were, do you show your anger differently towards people at school and people at home? Why? What are some strategies you use to deal with these strong emotions? 

See you tomorrow! 


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