Jump Rope For Heart

An important message from Mrs. Sadowsky: 

On Monday we will begin jump rope for heart which will run for the entire month of February. Students will be doing skipping and hula hooping in phys ed when they are with their classroom teacher to promote this. (They will be doing lacrosse when with Mr. Sadowsky) If they choose to fundraise this year, all donations will be made online. Due to COVID we can't accept cash or cheques. A parent letter will be coming home today or Monday which explains how they register online so they can collect donations through their account. We will collect donations from Feb 1st to Feb 28th. All prizes for collecting donations this year will be gift cards due to COVID and a list of prizes can be found on the website when they register. Anyone who raises a minimum of $20.00 will also be added to a draw for a bonus prize through our school. We have about 13 prizes to give away which include soccer balls, basketballs, skipping ropes and 1 mini hockey set which includes a mini net, 2 mini sticks and a mini ball.

Thank you in advance for all of your support to help a great cause. If you have any questions please contact Mr. Sadowsky. grsadowsky@cbe.ab.ca


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