We Are Back!

 We are happy to be back at school. In the morning they started off with writing and drawing their favourite memory of 'Winter Break 2020." We then made a circle with our chairs and shared them as a class. Ask your child what they said. 

In Math today we worked with the number 2021! Many students came up with some very creative ways to represent this number! Maybe they can give you an example at home. 

In Science we started a new unit: Lights and Shadows. To begin, they wrote down on sticky notes for our class poster, what they already know about these 2 things. They then wrote down definitions from the board about each of them. We will also be continuing with animals. 

We started a new novel today! It is called "Look Out For The Fitzgerald Trouts." 

Spelling words this week: 

red: sun, fun, run, the, see

blue: stories, setting, problem, middle, plot

green: characters, fractions, resolutions, translucent, opaque

See you tomorrow! : ) 


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